Our workshops aim to enhance basic communication competencies, such as listening, assertive communication, persuasion, and negotiation. It is meant for employees directly involved in communicating with clients or collaborators, leaders, and everyone who wants to develop their communication competencies.

They have a duration of 120 minutes and are fully customizable depending on the client’s needs.        


Scroll down the page or choose from the topics below to find out what workshops are suited for your needs:

1. Team collaboration
Learn to adapt communication and relationships in an online environment;
Focus on common goals and common needs.

Discover the meaning of working together.

2. Intergenerational collaboration (Millennials, Z & Alpha)
Understand the needs from colleagues from various generations.
Discover how to better collaborate with members from other generations.

Learn from one another.

3. The advantages of assertive communication
Learn what is assertive communication and why is it important.
Find out techniques and strategies to express yourself in an assertive manner.

Learn more about respect and empathy.

4. The role of our emotions in communication
Get an understanding of the emotions' components and learn to effectively decode them.
Learn how to manage your emotions and how to create and maintain a healthy communication processes.

Get insights into brain's neurobiology.

5. The essentials of effective feedback
Discover why feedback matters and what usually gets in the way.
Acquire feedback fundamentals and evidence-based best practices.

Say buh-bye to sandwich feedback.

Build up your communication skills!