We are 2 organizational psychologists who have a sheer passion for understanding what makes us thrive and feel satisfied with our work and life.

We consider that striving for consolidating our well-being at work is both satisfying for people and also a necessary condition for a healthy and profitable organization.

Coralia Sulea
Coralia Sulea

Sr. Organizational Psychology Consultant

Co-founder Wellbeing@Work

Coralia, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Department of Psychology at the West University of Timisoara since 2002 and has been involved in organizational consultancy projects for almost 15 years. She has been working with companies in the banking sector, engineering, IT, and communications.

Her research studies mainly analyze well-being antecedents and consequences for employees, potential causes of employee misbehavior, and consequences of job insecurity. Coralia Sulea is also the co-founder of futureskillsproject.ro that aims at developing relevant skills for the digital world.

Andreea Petruș
Andreea Petruș

Sr. Organizational Psychology Consultant

Co-founder Wellbeing@Work

Andreea, Ph.D., has a diverse professional background, combining both organizational experiences in consulting and banking industries and independent professional experience as a psychologist.

For the last six years, she has developed and conducted training and workshops focused on stress management, leadership, and emotional competencies development for companies across various industries, such as banking, automotive, IT, and telecom.

She has also provided counseling and psychotherapy services. Her majors in Neurobiology and Organizational Psychology, her various psychotherapy accreditations, as well as her experience as an associate lecturer at the University of Bucharest, allow her to develop and deliver evidence-based solutions for managing stress and enhancing well-being.