A bright future for the world of work

Amid the devastating impact that COVID-19 has had on our lives and the job market, the authors of today’s recommended article argue that all is not lost. The compelling argument resides in the fluctuating nature of the labor market and working conditions, highlighting that, despite everything, our world of work can recover from the aftermath of this whole affair. 

The downside of the pandemic

Probably one of the biggest consequences of the pandemic is that millions of people became jobless. The rate of unemployment has risen to levels last seen in the Great Depression. The essential workers are also the most exposed to the virus, compared to the office-based people. At the same time, everybody is fearing that the post-pandemic labor market will be ”one of persistently high inequality and unemployment, with work outsourced abroad or handed to robots”.

The silver lining

With all the negativity associated with the pandemic, there are some things that benefit the jobholders. According to the Gallup report which came out in 2019, more employees seem to enjoy what they do for a living. Thanks to the rise of remote-control work, more people will be able to have a flexible program and even choose the place where they work from. Most likely, the most important thing is that the governments are starting to realize they need to help families on low and moderate incomes, reduce inequalities, and design systems that help people to protect their rights and welfare benefits.

What do you think? How much did the pandemic affect your working conditions? How quickly do you think that the world of work will rebound after the pandemic?

Read more in the link below.
